FORT Robotics Blog- News from the Frontier of Automation

Technologies for Protecting Your Robot - Webinar - FORT Robotics

Written by FORT | Oct 7, 2020 5:05:00 PM

Robotic and autonomous systems can mean huge productivity gains for warehouses and factories, but only if they function safely. Yet it can be challenging to protect and maintain these machines while adhering to industry safety standards and, most importantly, ensuring the safety of everyone who works with them.

To stay competitive, it’s important to know what technologies are available to protect your robots and keep your operations safe and productive.

Join FORT Robotics for Technologies for Protecting Your Robot, a free webinar about solutions that protect robots and the people who use them. Presented by the Robotic Industries Association, the event features a panel of experts in robotics, automation, and safety. FORT CTO Nathan Bivans is joined by David Sandiland from IGUS and Chris Tur, CEO of Roboworld, for a discussion of different approaches to protect robots and the people who work with them.

This free webinar is now available on demand. 


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